For the Big 6th, Quinn decided he wanted a Magic Treehouse themed party and cake. The party was a snap to orchestrate. The cake, on the other hand, took much planning and strategizing. I am no Ace of Cakes when it comes to structural engineering of pastry products and the thought of trying to create a Tree With a Treehouse In It, as our son wanted, left me feeling like a failure even before I'd begun. This nice, safe, square cake was much more my speed. I used this
yellow cake recipe I found on the wacky wild web, which turned out to be a really good one.
The leaves were a snap. Wilton Candy Melts, melted and painted onto the backs of Camelia leaves, popped into the freezer to set, then peeled the leaves off. I kept them in a container in the fridge until time to decorate.
The frosting is from the fine people at Hershey's; the recipe is located on the back of the Special Dark Cocoa can.